“I’d like other patients battling this disease to know that you don’t have to let it define you.”
—KELLY, treated with AMVUTTRA®How is AMVUTTRA® given?
AMVUTTRA is given 4 times per year as a subcutaneous injection by a healthcare professional, such as a doctor or nurse.
Receiving AMVUTTRA
- AMVUTTRA is given as a subcutaneous injection once every 3 months
- Subcutaneous injections are given under the skin, and the process may take a few minutes

With AMVUTTRA treatment, no premedications or laboratory monitoring are required.
Treatment process
- You can work with your doctor to choose where you receive AMVUTTRA: your doctor’s office, a local clinic, or your own home (if eligible)
- You may be eligible to have your treatment administered at home by a healthcare professional, if covered by your insurance plan. Talk to your doctor to find out if home administration is right for you